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How do I make a screenshot & post it on the forum?
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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

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Subject : How do I make a screenshot & post it on the forum?
Posted : 9/17/2012 3:14 PM
Post #27220

Q. How do I make a screenshot & post it on the forum?


There are 3 parts to creating & posting a screenshot. You need to take a picture of an area of your screen, use some application to display & save it as a file, then attach that file to a forum post.

Part 1 - Take the Picture

You may use Windows PrintScreen function or 3rd party applications like SnagIt. For this FAQ I will use the Windows PrintScreen function.

1. Get the screen or window displaying exactly how you want.

2. Press the "PrintScreen" button on your keyboard to snapshot your entire screen. You may also press "PrintScreen" while holding the "Alt" key down
to only snapshot your active window. This button is usually near the top-right of your keyboard. Your snapshot will now be added to the Windows Clipboard in the background.

Part 2 - Display & Save

Open an application that you want to use to display, edit, and/or save the picture. You may use Microsoft Paint, Word, applications like SnagIt, Photoshop, etc. For this FAQ I will use Microsoft Paint.

1. Open Paint by clicking Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Paint.

2. Click the Paste button OR click Edit -> Paste OR press Ctrl-V on your keyboard to "Paste" & display your snapshot from the Windows Clipboard.

3. Save the screenshot by clicking the Disk button OR click File -> Save As OR press Ctrl-S on your keyboard.

4. As with saving files in most applications, you must now choose where to save the file, title it, & choose the file type.
    a. Save it under your Desktop or an easily accessible location. *Important for Part 3*
    b. Choose a title that helps to describe your picture.
    c. Select the type of picture file: jpg & png are common types used.

5. Click Save to save your screenshot to a file.

Part 3 - Attach to Forum Post

1. On the forum, create a new post or edit one of you existing posts in any forum thread.

2. Before clicking the Submit button to add/edit your post, click the "Attach a file to this thread after posting?" option or the "Add / Remove Attachments" option:

3. On the Attach a file screen, click the Browse button.

4. Locate your file that you saved in Part 2, Step 4.

5. Double click your file or click the "Open" button.

6. Click Submit to attach your file to your forum post, then you may click the Back button to return to your thread.

Extra - Display Your Image In your Post

1. View your post that now contains your attached file.

2. Right-click that file & select "Copy Shortcut."

3. Click the Edit button on your post.

4. Add a new line below the bottom of your message that begins with the text:

5. Now paste the location from Step 2 by right-clicking & selecting "Paste" OR press Ctrl-V on your keyboard.

6. Add a closed bracket at the end of the line.

It should look like this:

7. Click Submit to save your changes.

Attached file : Edit.JPG (6KB - 1464 downloads)
Attached file : SaveAs.jpg (75KB - 1588 downloads)
Attached file : Image.JPG (0KB - 1485 downloads)
Attached file : html.JPG (24KB - 1470 downloads)
Attached file : MyScreenshot.JPG (23KB - 1455 downloads)
Attached file : AttachFile.JPG (8KB - 1562 downloads)

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