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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

User Profile
Subject : How can I get the latest holidays into OT/VT?
Posted : 12/5/2018 3:03 PM
Post #45768

Q: How can I get the latest holidays into OT/VT?


Last updated ExchangeInfo.otd: December 30, 2024. Any OT/VT release on or after this date has the latest holidays included.

Click here to get the latest exchange file to date which includes the most current holiday information for US exchanges, Australia (AU), Bovespa (BR), Toronto (CA), London (GB), & India National (IN).

Download the file into the following location, unzip/uncompress & replace when asked. Warning: If you have made your own edits to exchanges, exchange sessions, or manual holidays, be aware that you will overwrite those changes if you replace this file. In which case, you may opt to instead edit holidays manually.

...\Program Files (x86)\Nirvana\Data

...\Program Files (x86)\Nirvana\VisualTrader XX.0\Database

To manually view or edit holidays inside OT & VT, click Edit -> Exchange Information. Non-US countries or futures symbols utilize different exchanges, but for most, the following US stock exchanges are the only exchanges used: AMEX, AMEX_ALL, NASDAQ, NASDAQ_ALL, NYSE, NYSE_ALL, BATS, BATS_ALL.

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